NPA List

Maintaining NPA List

N11 includes an NPA list which contains all the NPAs for North America. These are grouped by state, province, and territory. This includes all of the United States and Canada.

To add a custom NPA list, create a file that contains the list of NPAs in CSV format. For example, a file containing:

585, 315, 716

Could be added using the following:

n11-pcdm -i npa_list.txt -o NPA_LIST -l UpstateNY

After completion, an announcement will look similar to the following:

UpstateNY has been installed as a new NPA list

All NPAs can then be listed using the following:

n11-pcdm -o NPA_LIST -ls

Updating NPA List

After the NPA list is added to N11, there may be instances where this list needs to be altered. The modified destinations would be added using the following:

n11-pcdm -u npa_list.txt -o NPA_LIST -l UpstateNY

After completion, an announcement will look similar to the following:

UpstateNY has been updated

Default NPA List

The full NPA list that is included in N11 can be found below: