As an ECF user, the user can manage information from any telephone keypad using an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) interface.
From this keypad interface, audio recordings present the user with a menu of keypad entries. Once an entry is selected by pressing a key, and audio prompts then walk the user through each procedure. For each keypad input, the user has up to three tries to dial a valid response on the keypad. If a valid response is not dialed on one of those three tries, the user is directed to a customer service representative.
Dial the ECF access number provided by the service provider.
At the prompt, dial the 10-digit account number followed by #.
If the incorrect account number is entered, disconnect the call and call back.
Dial the PIN followed by #.
If the incorrect PIN is entered, the prompt asking for the PIN will repeat. If the incorrect PIN is entered 3 times, the account will be locked out and you will be redirected to a customer service representative.
You can hang up at any point to end the call. However, changes may not be saved if the call is ended before completing each step of a procedure.
From the Speed Call Menu, dial 1, 2, or 3 for the corresponding speed call number on the web UI.
Option 1 corresponds to the number located at the bottom of the speed call number list and option 3 corresponds to the number located at the top of the speed call number list.
A prompt to chose a forward option will play.
Dial 2 to start forwarding calls to the selected speed call number.
The forwarding selection is saved, and you will be rerouted to the Speed Call Menu.
From the Speed Call Menu, dial 1, 2, or 3 for the corresponding speed call number on the web UI.
Option 1 corresponds to the number located at the bottom of the speed call number list and option 3 corresponds to the number located at the top of the speed call number list.
A prompt to chose a forward option will play.
Dial 1 to stop forwarding calls to the selected speed call number.
Dial the date to stop forwarding calls as an eight digit number in the format MMDDYYYY.
Dial the time to stop forwarding calls as a four digit number in the format HHMM.
Dial 1 for A.M. or 2 for P.M.
Dial 1 to confirm changes or 2 to discard changes.
The forwarding selection is saved, and you will be rerouted to the Speed Call Menu.
From the Main Menu, dial 1.
Dial the new 10-digit phone number.
An announcement stating the new number will be played.
Dial 1 to save the number or 2 to reenter the number.
A prompt to set the time to stop forwarding calls to this number will play.
Dial 1 to set the time to stop forwarding calls to this number, or dial 2 to have the calls always forwarded to this number.
If 1 is dialed, dial the date to stop forwarding calls as an eight digit number in the format MMDDYYYY, the time to stop forwarding calls as a four digit number in the format HHMM, and dial 1 for A.M. or 2 for P.M.
An announcement with the new number and selected forwarding option will play.
Dial 1 to confirm changes or 2 to discard changes.
The new number and forwarding selection is saved, and you will be rerouted to the Main Menu.
From the Main Menu, dial 2.
A prompt to set the forward duration will play.
Dial the date to stop forwarding calls as an eight digit number in the format MMDDYYYY.
Dial the time to stop forwarding calls as a four digit number in the format HHMM.
Dial 1 for A.M. or 2 for P.M.
An announcement with the selected forwarding duration will play.
Dial 1 to confirm changes or 2 to discard changes.
The forwarding duration is saved, and you will be rerouted to the Main Menu.
From the Main Menu, dial 3.
Dial the new 4-digit PIN.
Redial the new PIN followed by #.
The new PIN is saved, and you will be rerouted to the Main Menu.
From the Main Menu, dial 4.
An announcement stating that call forwarding has been turned off will play.
The selection to stop forwarding calls is saved, and you will be rerouted to the Main Menu.
From the Main Menu, dial 5.
An announcement stating the forward number and expiration date will play.
You will be rerouted to the Main Menu.
From the Main Menu, dial 6.
Dial 1, 2, or 3 to overwrite an existing number or to add a new number.
Dial the 10-digit phone number to add as a speed call number.
An announcement stating the new speed call number will play.
The speed call number is saved, and you will be rerouted to the Main Menu.
From the Main Menu, dial 7.
Dial 1 to change the primary schedule or 2 to change the alternate schedule.
Dial a digit that corresponds to the day you want to edit the schedule for.
Dial a digit that corresponds to the editing option for the selected day’s schedule.
Dial 1 to add a new time period to forward calls during.
Dial 2 to copy another day’s schedule.
Dial 3 to have the forward periods played, with the option to delete the period after it is played back.
Dial 4 to delete all forwarding periods on that day.
Once editing is finished, dial 5 to return to the Main Menu.
From the Main Menu, dial 7.
Dial 3 to activate your primary call schedule or 4 to active your alternate call schedule.
The selected call schedule is activated, and you will be rerouted to the Main Menu.
From the Main Menu, dial 8.
Dial 1 to edit the primary caller acceptance list or 2 to edit the alternate caller acceptance list.
Dial 3 to add numbers to the caller acceptance list.
Dial 4 to have the caller acceptance list played back.
Dial 1 to hear the next number.
Dial 2 to hear previous number.
Dial 3 to hear the first number.
Dial 4 to hear the last number.
Dial 5 to delete the number.
From the Main Menu, dial 8.
Dial 1 to edit the primary caller acceptance list or 2 to edit the alternate caller acceptance list.
Dial 1 to activate the selected caller acceptance list or 2 to deactivate the selected caller acceptance list.
From the Main Menu, dial 8.
Dial 7 to change the call screening PIN.
Dial the new 4-digit screening PIN.
Redial the new PIN followed by #.
The call screening PIN should be different than the IVR PIN.
From the Main Menu, dial 8.
Dial 8 to activate the screening PIN or 9 to deactivate the screening PIN.
From the Main Menu, dial 0. The call will be answered by the next available customer service agent for further assistance.